When establishing and growing your event planning business, you can expect to make a few marketing and advertising mistakes. Maybe you chose the wrong platform to promote an...
New York City is a melting pot of cultures, customs, and cuisines. It’s a reflection of the city’s diversity and culinary creativity. NYC event planners are able to tap into...
Developing a strong event planning brand, logo, and image is crucial to distinguish your business and attract clients. Here's a step-by-step guide, great for those of you just...
You could have the best event planning business in your market. But if no one knows about it, then you aren’t getting the leads and clients that you should. As an event planner,...
Users form an opinion about any website they visit within 0.05 seconds. If your website doesn’t give the right impression, your event planning business could lose out. A website...
When you first arrived in New York City, you may have felt invisible, like you were just another face in a sea of people. Your event website would probably express similar...
Together, they make up the largest cohort of working adults, and collectively, they have somewhere around a trillion dollars in spending power. You can bet your bottom dollar: Gen...
You could spend months planning the perfect event. It’s all for nothing if no one attends. However, people won’t attend if they don’t know the event is happening. Successful...
Successful event planning and logistics management are keys to flawless execution. New York City has the best options for event inner workings, including entertainment, venues,...
You’re moving up in the world. You may have started out as a fledgling NYC event planner with a WordPress website and a dream in your heart. But now you’re booking events and...