6 Reasons Networking Continues to Be Red-Hot for NYC Event Planners

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-toasting-wine-glasses-3171837/ networking for your event planning business

When the temps start falling in NYC, it gets harder to push yourself out the door unless it’s absolutely necessary, such as for a cinnamon roll from Modern Bread & Bagel. You know, important stuff. Other things, like schlepping over to the First Friday meeting at your local chamber, seem much less important when freezing rain is involved. However, networking is still a red-hot strategy for growing your event planning business, even when it means going out into the bitter cold.

1. Networking Raises Your Event Planning Business Profile

In the event planning biz, getting your name out there is everything. That’s because many events, such as weddings, birthday parties, and bar mitzvahs, are special occasions that carry an emotional impact. Clients are more likely to trust you with these important occasions if they (or someone they trust) know you personally. Making networking a key component of your event planning marketing strategy increases your circle of potential leads.

2. Networking Increases Your Brand Awareness

Increasing your brand awareness is closely linked to raising your profile. However, the two differ slightly. Whereas raising your profile puts a face to your business, increasing your brand awareness increases positive associations with your brand. For example, nurturing a reputation for incorporating cutting-edge technology into your events is one way of increasing your brand awareness.

Networking can help you achieve your goals for your brand’s reputation. Try giving presentations at local business events or showcasing your work at trade shows. In fact, according to Display Wizard, 70% of businesses increase their brand awareness and their client base through networking at trade shows.

3. Find New Event Planning Clients

Your next client will likely attend a conference or trade show in search of an event planner. That’s why 66% of event planners use networking conferences to find their next client. These conferences give potential clients a chance to meet various event planners.

The best way to stand out from the competition at these events is to sign up to be an exhibitor. Then, create a showstopping booth that encourages people to stop and learn more about your event planning business.

4. Learn the Latest Event Planning Trends

The event planning industry is constantly evolving. New technology, trending attendee preferences, and changing client values have a big impact on your business’s future. Learn about these changes long before your clients start demanding them. Get early insights into event planning trends at networking events.

5. Networking Saves Your Event Planning Business Time and Money

There’s more to running a successful event planning business than planning amazing events. You must also navigate business law, event planning web design, HR issues, and other weighty matters. Oftentimes, you can get by if you could ask someone a question or two.

Networking expands the pool of people you can approach for help. Many networking groups cultivate a diverse membership roster. They seek out professionals in a variety of disciplines to avoid members competing against each other and to foster a network of support.

Through networking, you can grow relationships with attorneys, accountants, and other professionals who can offer valuable advice. Tapping into these resources can save you from making expensive, time-consuming mistakes.

6. Networking Makes Having a Good Time Look Responsible

Formal networking opportunities, such as a lunch and learn event or mastermind group, offer invaluable support for your event planning business. However, networking doesn’t have to be boring.

The most effective networking events are often held at bars and restaurants. At least, that’s what 38% of professionals say. We’re willing to bet that those 38% take the “work” out of networking. Have fun and grow your business, too, by attending these casual networking events.

Take Advantage of the Best Networking Opportunity for NYC Event Planners

Traveling the city to attend networking events gets tougher when the temperature drops. However, networking is a key strategy for business growth and offers countless benefits for event planners. Raising your profile, boosting your brand reputation, and growing your support network are just a few. However, networking doesn’t have to be a dull affair.

The Event Planner Expo is brimming with event industry professionals, speakers, exhibitors, and, of course, potential clients. You can take part in the excitement and high energy of this unforgettable three-day experience. Sign up today to be an exhibitor and showcase your event planning genius. 


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