How Today’s Event Planners Are Tapping into Virtual Events to Grow Their Businesses

You might have embraced virtual events because you had to before. But now, you can be exploring the many benefits and bottom-line results of virtual events or hybrid event planning ongoing. Today’s New York event planners are seeing all kinds of ground-breaking results with virtual events. Here’s how and maybe you can find new ways to weave more virtual events into your business.

Make a Virtual Event Offering an Extension of Your Brand

Don’t just offer virtual event planning; make it an offering that looks and feels like an extension of your brand. Sure, your core service will still be in-person event planning. But when you make it a hybrid, with virtual attendance options, you can help your clients expand their guest lists. You can bring a “total package” solution to every event planning engagement. Whether it’s cross-country relatives who want to virtually attend a wedding or companywide employees virtually connecting with a company conference, harnessing virtual capabilities will present ongoing rewards for your business.

Create a Platform Providing Different Types of Virtual Events

Don’t just sell virtual services. Offer various types of virtual events that speak to the needs and preferences of your clients. There will be different platforms for virtual engagements to consider. So, sit down and develop a marketing strategy that addresses each unique benefit of those virtual platforms you offer. It’ll make them easier to sell, too, if you know which pain points to hit and which virtual event solutions to provide.

Differentiating Your Virtual Event from the Rest

Not all virtual events are created equal. So, consider choosing the platforms and techniques that help separate yourself from other virtual event planners out there. Focus on your few unique differentiators as your selling points, and you can begin to separate yourself from the pack. Don’t just offer virtual events as a broad-stroked offering. Make it special, make it different, and dazzle your clients with online engagement experiences they won’t find anywhere else.

Focus on Relevant Engagement and User-Friendly Experiences

New York event planners know the key to success is creating incredible experiences in a seamless and user-friendly way. Approach your virtual event offerings through the same lens. Each one of your virtual events needs to add value to the engagement experience. It needs to be easy to join and efficient to use. When developing your virtual event services, make sure you focus on these relevant perks and amenities.

Develop Valuable Key Takeaways from Each Virtual Event

Virtual events can be the ultimate solution to an event’s ability to attract attendees. That is to say, as long as you offer key takeaways and relevant value. No one will want to dial in to watch if they aren’t going to feel entertained, educated, or enlightened in a substantive way. Explore what you can offer your virtually attending guests for each event and prioritize them in line with the core theme of the event itself.

How are you tapping into virtual events to help grow your business? Consider these suggestions as you make your virtual event offering more robust. And don’t forget to get your tickets to The Event Planner Expo 2022 and our 10-Year Anniversary Celebration! You’ll learn everything an event planner needs to know about virtual event planning and so much more!


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