Event Planner Collaboration: 4 Advantages of Working with Other New York Event Planners

Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash - new york city

This is New York. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, so the saying goes. The implication is that New York is a cutthroat, dog-eat-dog place. Make nice at your own peril. We don’t mind telling you we disagree (being opinionated is another New York thing.) New York certainly isn’t easy. And that shared struggle makes New Yorkers more likely to cooperate with each other. And that’s why NYC event planners should collaborate with other pros. You’ll find kindred spirits when you work with others. You’ll also enjoy the following four advantages when you collaborate with other New York event planners.

1. Learn an Abundance Mindset

True, other NYC event planners are your competitors. And conventional wisdom says that, as your competitors land more clients, there are fewer opportunities for you.

Not so fast.

Focusing on what other New York event planners have and fixating on what you lack doesn’t just make you lose sleep. It makes you dumber (yes, really.) It’s called a scarcity mindset, and according to research, you lose about 13 IQ points when you wallow in your own tough luck.

You can get those 13 IQ points back and be a smarter NYE event planner when you adopt an abundance mindset. Working with other New York event planners is an excellent way to practice seeing the world through the lens of abundance.

2. Help Grow the Market with Other New York Event Planners

Imagine for a moment you were the only New York event planner around. Parties and events wouldn’t stop altogether. But many event hosts would do the leg work themselves because you would be booked. Bar mitzvahs and milestone birthday parties become drab and boring affairs. With a dearth of NYC event planners, ho-hum events would become the norm. The market would shrink.

On the other hand, the wide availability of NYC event planners means that more and more people can hire a pro to put on their event. Their guests are wowed by the results, and they, too, want to hire an event planner. Ta-da, the market continues to grow.

You can help maintain market growth in the event planning space by reaching out to other pros. Contact your business friends when a full schedule compels you to turn down work. The client will appreciate that you put their needs first and may still contact you in the future. And your business friends may return the favor. It’s a win-win.

3. Keep Learning Through Mentoring

Everyone benefits when knowledge becomes widely available. Technology, for instance, grows exponentially because advances lead to more advances. In the same way, you can work with other New York planners to learn more about the industry. In turn, you can share knowledge with up-and-coming professionals. Together you can boost attendance, solve common problems, and streamline event processes. The result is an improving industry that consistently exceeds client expectations.

4. Push Yourself to Reach Your Potential

Self-limiting beliefs have a tendency to keep us complacent and prevent us from stretching ourselves. When you collaborate with other New York planners, you get a glimpse into what others in your industry are accomplishing. You’ll see that the competitor you perceive as more successful than you is sending out 100 emails to your 20. Or you’ll notice that someone else puts in more effort to nurture their relationships with clients.

We’re not talking about spying to gain trade secrets. Rather, developing relationships with your competitors expands your own view of what is possible when planning events in New York. And together we can accomplish so much more, both individually and collectively.

Enjoy More Job Satisfaction When You Work with Other New York Event Planners

Sure, these advantages will make you more successful and keep you rolling in money. But even more importantly, you enjoy more job satisfaction when you collaborate with other New York event planners. You want more than just a job. And through working with other NYE event planners, you’ll lower your stress, develop genuine friendships, and experience more joy in your work.

Start collaborating with other pros today. Secure your exhibitor booth at The Event Planner Expo 2024, where you can connect with other New York event planners and top vendors in the industry.


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