How to Create Highly Compelling Landing Pages for Your Event Marketing Plan

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay - https://pixabay.com/photos/office-flowers-apple-computer-605503/ - computer with landing page

Every business uses landing pages differently. But as an event planner, they’re incredibly useful tools as part of your event marketing strategy. Use landing pages to funnel email and website traffic to buy event tickets or RSVP. And landing pages are great for building anticipation and excitement for upcoming events, offering VIP exclusives, sponsorship packages, or early-bird specials. However, there are best practices to know when it comes to creating compelling landing pages. Today, we’re outlining those insights so you can entice every online visitor!

Craft a specific and vibrant headline.

A compelling landing page starts with a very specific and energetic headline, as HubSpot describes. You’ll likely lead prospects to this page from an email, so consider using an action statement informing those who’ve clicked through about what you want them to do next. 

Choose images that match your offer.

Get your visuals right; meaning make sure your images match your offer, and your colors match your event theme. Include logos and sponsor badges when applicable, but not to overpower the page visuals.

Write high-energy and compelling copy.

You’re hyping a New York event – so make sure the language is over-the-top enthusiastic! That doesn’t mean to overuse your exclamation points, though. Instead, use active verbs and descriptive copy that tells a story, announces keynote speakers, or prefaces your event experiences.

Include the lead form ATF (above the fold.)

With any sales funnel landing page, don’t forget to include your lead form at the top and above the fold. A lead form will invite your visitor to send their name, business, email, or phone number. 

Make your event call to actions BIG.

As Wix outlines, the call to action has to have a big presence on your landing page. If your page visitors don’t complete your lead form at the top of the page, they’ll keep scrolling. And your CTA should tell them precisely what action to take next.

Offer relevant perks and exciting exclusives.

Don’t make your event’s landing page a static, informative-only transaction. Instead, entice visitors with a unique offer or a juicy perk that only THEY can enjoy by taking the next step. Make sure your offer has value to your audience and break up the text describing it so it’s easy to consume and builds excitement.

Only ask for what you need.

Your sales landing page is NOT the place to talk about your event planning business history or to sell anything other than your key offer. Only ask for what you need from your page visitors, providing concise details that matter specifically to that primary offer.

Remove all navigation.

Your landing page will be part of a specific marketing campaign. So, be sure to remove any additional navigation or traditional menu bars. Once your prospects land here, you don’t want them to leave again and go to any other sites without taking action. 

Discover Other Sales Secrets at The Event Planner Expo!

Want more impactful sales and marketing advice? Get in the room with the thousands of TOP event and hospitality professionals at The Event Planner Expo 2024! It’s the one conference of the year where the best of the best go to learn, network, and grow their businesses. Better yet, reserve your exhibitor booth on the highly energetic Trade Show Floor and showcase your event services! Form strategic partnerships and make more high-value connections here than you can all year!


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