How to Maximize Online Advertising for Broader Event Reach

Photo by PhotoMIX Company: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-silver-iphone-7-887751/ -- online ads and apps

You could spend hours planning the perfect event. Without the right online advertising for event promotion, it is all wasted when you don’t have suitable attendance. Because we live in a digital world, you can reach people far beyond what traditional advertising alone could accomplish. Broaden your reach with these brilliant online advertising ideas for all your New York events. 

Have a Content Plan 

Before you start any online advertising for event promotion, you need to develop a strategy. This allows you to implement strategies that work and test out new ones that you haven’t used before. When creating your plan, consider the individuals who are most likely to attend your event. And use channels and messaging that speaks to your targeted event audience. 

Organic SEO

A portion of your online advertising should be focused on organic SEO efforts. These efforts will promote your event and deliver long-term benefits to your event planning business. You can streamline your content creation and promote your event by using your event in your business content creation. For example, if you have guest speakers planned, have them write a blog post for your event planning blog so you can promote it on your website and social media. 

Paid Ads 

If you have a budget for online advertising for event promotion, especially public-facing events and fundraising galas, consider using part of it for bidding on paid ads. You can target specific keywords that people search within a radius of your event. Or perhaps you target keywords that someone looking to visit the area during your event would use. The trick to making this strategy successful is choosing words that you can reasonably bid and win. The paid ad cost must deliver a decent ROI for the audience and attendees. 

Another option is to pay for ad retargeting. With this strategy, you will pay for ads that will appear in front of people after they have done something online that signals they would be interested in your event. For example, your specialty is corporate event planning. You could pay for ad retargeting for people searching “company holiday party ideas” or “corporate Christmas party.” These are people who want to host a party and could use your services. 

Geographic SEO

Use localized SEO and paid advertising efforts to promote your event on a geographic level. Because people will attend your event in person, your target audience might be limited to a specific geographic area. This approach also helps you broaden your audience by getting in front of people you wouldn’t otherwise reach. 

Social Media

There is no denying that social media is the best method for broadening your event and event business reach. You can use your own social media accounts to promote events. Collaborate with influencers and other businesses to help you promote your events. Additionally, your online advertising of event promotion will expand beyond your immediate following to those who would be interested in your event. Social media platform algorithms reward accounts that post videos and do live streams, too, so change up your content. Consider using these to increase your reach while promoting events. 

Encourage people to engage with you through contests, polls, and suggestions. Your target audience becomes engaged and invested in your event by starting early and asking for input. This makes them more likely to share the event on their pages and invite others to attend with them. 

Blend the Real World with Digital 

Use traditional advertising efforts with a digital call to action to bring people to you. That way, you broaden your reach beyond digital advertising efforts. However, once you reach people in the real world, you can bring them online by having them follow a particular social media account or scan a QR code. Now, you can start a digital dialogue with them. Think press releases, radio ads, and signage.

Learn More Event Advertising Best Practices at The Expo  

With these advertising strategies, you can improve your online advertising for event promotion. But if you really want to boost your marketing and advertising chops, mark your calendar for October 15th through 17th. Discover all the best strategies for event success in 2024 by attending The Event Planner Expo. It’s a three-day conference that attracts thousands of top event professionals, industry leaders, and experts. It’s also where the most successful event pros gather to share insights and learn. Explore your exhibitor options today, and make sure you get in this room! It’s where event planners like you form more strategic relationships and secure more leads than they can all year!


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