Prioritizing Self-Care: 8 Ways Event Planners Can Stay Energized

Photo by Karolina Grabowska: https://www.pexels.com/photo/slim-woman-browsing-laptop-on-yoga-mat-4498452/ -- yoga

Self-care is one of the trendiest topics in recent years. Prioritizing caring for one’s mental and physical health is important for a healthy work-life balance. It also helps reduce the instances of burnout.

Self-care can be hard to work into busy schedules, especially for driven New Yorker event planners like you who have places to be and goals to crush. Try integrating some of these into your routine and stay energized for the busy event season ahead.

1. Guided Meditation Improves Focus

Guided meditation is a self-care practice that can be used daily, weekly, or whenever it fits into a busy NYC event planner’s schedule. These meditations are aplenty on paid and free streaming platforms these days. They’re a great source of positive affirmations and are a way to self-regulate, prevent burnout, and keep energy up throughout busy days and weeks.

2. Stay Hydrated and Fueled

Believe it or not, hydration matters just as much as fueling the body appropriately. New York event planners are great at catering client events, and just as much care needs to be put back into themselves. A healthy event planner is an efficient, productive, and well-balanced event planner.

3. Schedule a Day Off and Keep It That Way

Time for oneself is a huge factor in self-care, and not just a day to go grocery shopping and do laundry. Plan a stay-cation full of favorite activities, or book a night at a new hotel and order room service. Whatever it is, it needs to be a day that’s focused on activities that help relax, renew, and pause a busy mind.

4. Keep A Sleep Schedule and Nighttime Routine

Good quality sleep and good sleep hygiene are some of the most important self-care steps to keep burnout at bay. Keeping a foot on the throttle with clients during busy seasons leaves limited wiggle room for days off and leisure time, but event planners have to sleep, too.

5. A Monthly Night Out

Along the same vein of self-care as scheduling a day off, if a whole day isn’t doable, try scheduling a night out. Meet up with old (or new) friends and visit a new club, bar, comedy, or Broadway show. Have a night dedicated to the busy NYC event planner unwinding and relaxing with friends.

6. Craft Time Is Quiet Time

“Me time” can manifest in various ways. Some enjoy massages, manicures, or meditation. A “me time” craft can be just as effective when managing stress and preventing burnout. Creative crafts like knitting, crocheting, diamond “painting,” puzzles, or sketching are all great ways to get the body moving and the mind relaxing.

7. Schedule a Massage

Believe it or not, a massage can do wonders, and regularly scheduled massages can build a self-care structure into a booked-up event planner’s schedule. If a massage isn’t something easily enjoyed, find something else like a spa day, facial, etc. The point is to set aside “me” time.

8. Exercise, Yoga, Pilates, Oh My!

Behind fueling, hydrating, and sleeping enough, some sort of activity that helps regulate the mind and body together is always a good thing to add to a self-care routine. Regular exercise is beneficial to sleep patterns and typically helps with overall endurance and energy. 

Two-hour-long workouts aren’t necessary, and neither is a gym membership. There are plenty of at-home workouts, stretch routines, yoga flows, and even Pilates programs to choose from. Even if it’s fifteen minutes a day, active and intentional movement is a great addition to a self-care routine.

Expand On These Best Practices and More at The Expo!

Deep dive into niches of the event planner industry at the Event Planner Expo 2024 this October. From self-care tips to insider trends, there are consistently over 150 exhibitors each year, with room for more. 

Book your booth now and showcase your business at the hottest place to be – the trade show floor at The Expo! Leads are generated, deals are done, and networking like this is like nothing you’ve experienced before. Thousands of attendees practically guarantee your brand exposure, connections, and opportunities. The Event Planner Expo 2024 doubles as a business trip and a personal getaway that’s incredibly fun, too, perfect for that work-life balance.


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