6 Ways to Repurpose Your Event Planning Blog Content for Added Engagement

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Running out of fresh content and topic ideas for your event planning business blog? Don’t fret. There are some great ways and big ideas to repurpose blogs and reinvigorate them for added engagement. And you don’t need to be a creative genius to step up your blog marketing strategy and online engagement game.

1. Create Killer Infographics

Check your metrics to see which of your event planner blog posts gained the most traction over the last six months. Create a list of stellar-performing posts based on open rates, time on page, and interactions. Once you’ve compiled a list of your most killer blog posts, you can turn to Canva to create some equally impressive infographics out of them. Grab great sound bites from each blog and transform it into a brilliant infographic that you can then share on social media, in presentation materials, and with email campaigns.

2. Develop a Month’s-Long Calendar of Social Media Posts

Strum through your hottest blog topics and draft some witty and fun social media posts. From Facebook to Instagram, you can carve out a month’s worth of content pulled straight from your blogs. Whenever posting, be sure to include the blog link to drive extra traffic back to that hot topic, too.

3. Hit Up Reddit and Quora

Do your event planning blog posts provide answers to your target audience’s most burning questions? Pluck those super-resourceful blogs and start scrolling through Reddit and Quora. Even just an hour of looking up popular event-related questions could result in you sharing your blog, providing your expertise, and generating leads. Go where your audience is chattering, and make yourself available with great insights and information. It’s a great way to repurpose event planning blogs, breathing new life into them.

4. Share Your Blog Post As a LinkedIn Article

If you have blog posts that explore more thought-leadership topics about the events industry or business, consider sharing the post on LinkedIn as an “article.” You can speak to your online business community, positioning yourself as an authority in events. And lure the LinkedIn community back to your event planning blog and website for boosted awareness and traffic.

5. Put Together a SlideShare

Consider creating a SlideShare based on the headings within a blog. Each slide represents a segment of the blog post. And these digital assets are great social media boosters, prompting users to “scroll” through and learn more about your particular event topic.

6. Get Guest Posting

Consider reaching out to event industry colleagues and influencers and offering to guest post with their blog series. Share one of your existing blogs as part of your offer. They may agree to republish your blog to their audience, expanding your brand reach. Or, they’ll be impressed by your blog and ask you to guest post something fresh. Either way, you’re coming out ahead.

Learn More Marketing Strategies at The Expo

When it comes to truly engaging an online audience, you’re going to always need resources for fresh ideas and content strategies. The best marketers in the events industry always bring their insights to The Event Planner Expo. If you want to significantly improve your marketing strategy, get in the room with these top experts! And if positioning yourself as an event expert within your niche is the goal, be sure to reserve your spot on the innovative trade show floor as an exhibitor! The Expo may be a few months away, but these coveted exhibitor spaces are going fast. Secure yours today!


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